Recipe: Carrot Salad
No, it's actually a wonderful side dish!
Sweet and crunchy, this salad is a quick and easy dish.
About 3 fresh carrots, grated (medium)
handful of chopped walnuts, pecans, sliced or slivered almonds. (about 1/4 cup or so)
handful of raisins
teaspoon or two of honey
orange juice (I normally just pour in whatever I think is enough, I'd say it takes approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup for this amount)
Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
Stir a bit before serving each time, as orange juice collects in the bottom of the bowl.
Serves about 4 to 6, depending on how much you like it! ^_^ Yum!
(NOTE: Moved from AmbientWarrior Blog)
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